Truly, Madly, Deeply – out today!

Truly, Madly, DeeplyIt’s publication day for Truly, Madly, Deeply!

Truly, Madly, Deeply is the second anthology I’ve edited for the Romantic Novelists’ Association and I’m just as proud of this fantastic collection of stories as I was of the first, Loves Me, Loves Me Not (2010).

The cover shown here is of the paperback, containing 24 fabulous short stories. As a wonderful bonus there’s also a digital extended edition containing a further 11 stories – fantastic for those who like to read electronically.

The story I’ve contributed to Truly, Madly, Deeply, Shocking Behaviour, is about Lizzy and Jax. Lizzy moves into the flat Jax used to own and she surprises him on her doorstep, trying to get back into the flat for something vital he’s left behind. I’m supposed to be telling you what inspired the story but I find I’m quite unable to do that without giving away the plot, so I’ll just say that the idea came to me from talking to a friend about shocks. What kind of shock? That’s a plot giveaway, too!

Speaking of giveaways, The Romantic Novelists’ Association has some copies of Truly, Madly, Deeply to give away, along with pretty RNA fans – I mean the kind of fan that you wave around in front of your face to cool you, not the ‘We love the RNA!’-type fan. Although I’m sure they’re all pretty.

Click HERE to be entered into the free draw, your chance to win one of the first copies of Truly, Madly, Deeply.


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7 responses to “Truly, Madly, Deeply – out today!

  1. Exciting! Congratulations Sue, can’t wait to get my hands on one – gorgeous cover!


  2. And I’m thrilled to have a story in it too! And so looking forward to reading all the other contributions…


  3. You, of all people should be receiving the lions share of congratulations. I know what a route march it was getting all the ducks in a row. I apologise for the mixed metaphor!!! Now it’s done I hope you’ve got the champagne on ice, a pile of harem cushions to sink back against and a box within easy reach.


  4. “of chocs ” got lost somewhere between typing and clicking.


  5. Wonderful effort by everyone concerned but especially to you, Sue, for pulling it all together. As you know, I entered a story myself and received quite the nicest rejection letter I’ve ever received! Congratulations to all those lucky writers who’ve been included – well deserved.


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